Ms. irene karkada - the large hearted donor of the white doves childrens home
The land and building for The White Doves Childrens Home was donated by Ms Irene Karkada, a retired teacher who was, and still is, loved by her students when she was teaching at St. Gerosa's School, Jeppu, Mangalore.

White Doves got the building renovated to suit the needs of students who would be living therein.

inauguration of the  childrens home on 09 july 2017
The White Doves Childrens Home was inaugurated on 9th July, 2017 by Ms Irene Karkada and was Blessed by the Bishop of Mangalore Diocese Rt. Rev. Dr. Aloysius Paul Dsouza, in the presence of MLA Mr.J R Lobo, ACB DySP Mr.Sudheer Hegde, and Daijiworld founder Mr. Walter Nandalike.

The White Doves Childrens Home has been registered as a Child Care Institution with the Department of Women and Child Development, Government of Karnataka.

The children under our care are basically from poor background who would have otherwise given up their education due to their deficient financial situation at home.

They are provided with a place to stay, uniforms, school bags, stationery, books, school fees, nutritious food, medical aid and a positive environment to grow academically as well as socially.

The children are graded on their aptitude and sent to local schools and colleges.

The students are from different age groups
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White Doves
Psychiatric Nursing & Destitute Home
Door No: 5-79/20, Niddel Gokarna Road
Maroli, Kulshekar P.O.
Karnataka State, INDIA
Email: mail@whitedoves.in
Phone: +91 9880517078
Landline: +91 824 2231696, 2230193
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