donations overview

The charitable works that White Doves has been involved in over the past 27 years has been made possible only by the financial support we have received from known and unknown donors to our cause of Sharing and Caring for the downtrodden.

With a grateful heart we thank each and every donor of White Doves for their unflinching support by means of finances, material goods, prayers and good wishes. It sure goes to show that given an opportunity, there are many in this world who care about others.

We pray God's bountiful blessings on each one of you, your families and your vocation in business or service.

The preferred mode of Donation is through Bank Transfer/ Cheque /Demand Draft.
Cash Donations are to be avoided as far as possible. ​
All donors need  to submit their PERMANENT ACCOUNT NUMBER (PAN) if they wish to claim Income Tax Deduction U/s 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961
The Government of India Rules for Donations to Charitable Trusts as enumerated in the Income Tax Act of 1961 mandates that CASH DONATIONs in excess of  Rs 2,000/- per person per year will not be granted exemption U/s 80G.
Kindly notify us when donations are made online or self-deposit of Banking instruments, either through uploading on the Donor Form, by emailing us on
Kindly notify us in case you have not received the DONATION RECEIPT for the donation made. Refer to Contact Page​
classification of donations
White Doves being a registered trust maintains accounts that are audited as per the rules governed by the Income Tax Act of India 1961.
All donations in cash, cheque or demand draft are issued with a receipt that is serially numbered.
If you have not received your receipt for the donation made to WHITE DOVES, kindly get in contact with us and rectify the same.
Our Auditor is:
CA Sunil R.J. Gonsalves, B.Com., F.C.A.
M/s Gonsalves & Nayak, Chartered Accountants
8th Floor, PVS Building, Kodialbail
White Doves
Psychiatric Nursing & Destitute Home
Door No: 5-79/20, Niddel Gokarna Road
Maroli, Kulshekar P.O.
Karnataka State, INDIA
Phone: +91 9880517078
Landline: +91 824 2231696, 2230193
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